As mentioned by Luvs2Trip you will almost always find this information on any specific vendors profile, but for a little more in depth for what it comes down to for us atleast:* Orders: The amount of orders coming in for that specific day, more means longer if there's too many.* Materials: How many materials have been prepared and are ready to be used for packaging when the order comes in.* Problems: Any issues like for example with the computer, printer or the broadband connection.* Rules: Any non-declared rules like custom prices will create a time sink when having to figure something out on the spot.* Preparation: Getting the computer up and running, equipping gloves etc., usually something that only has to be done once per working day.* Personal: Any issue in our personal lives which might create delay, like having to go on a trip for example - anything longer than a day and we will list it on our profile.We're actively working to reduce the time spent on any specific category. We occasionally track how long it takes for us to process one order and try to figure out how we can reduce that as much as possible. A good example where we could reduce the packaging time for any shipment is cutting up our product more quickly, we don't quite know what equipment we should use for that though - more information on that specific problem in this thread: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=169901.msg1212745Worth keeping in mind we don't have that many orders per day yet, if we suddenly would get 80 orders per day our current way of doing things is not good enough yet. It would be very interesting to hear some details on how it works with vendors who get so many orders they have to keep more than two people employed, like for example budsupplies or jesusofrave. :)